Agricultural Extension Education Centres
           The Agricultural Extension Education Centres (AEECs) were started in the year 1970 based on the success of Pilot Extension Project started during 1967. These centres are the nodal agencies for conducting field extension programmes. Each centre has a team of Subject Matter Specialists to coordinate and assist the field functionaries at grass root level. The units motivate the farmers to adopt newly developed farm technologies in an integrated manner, with an ultimate goal of enhancing the net economic returns of farmers from a unit area of land.
           Under the jurisdiction of UAS, Dharwad 5 AEEC’s are working at Belavatagi, Kumta, Mudhol, Sankeshwar and Vijayapur with following mandates.
- Evaluation of the performance of research findings through farm trials.
- Demonstration of the proven research findings.
- Organization of whole farm demonstrations to increase the over all income of the farm family.
- Organization of non formal educational activities like study tour, field days, field visits and to provide feedback to research.
- Conduct of collaborative programme with the developmental departments and other agencies.