Power & Functions

Power & Functions

The University shall have the following powers and functions, namely:

  1. To provide for undergraduates and postgraduate instructions in agriculture and other allied branches of learning as the University may deem fit.
  2. To provide for conducting research in agriculture and allied branches of learning.
  3. To provide for dissemination of the findings of research and technical information through extension education programme.
  4. To institute course of study and hold examinations for and confer degrees, diplomas and other academic distinctions on. persons who have pursued a prescribed course of study or research or both in the University or including part time courses and/or research carried out in any other University or recognized institutions for this purpose.
  5. To confer honorary degrees and other distinctions as may be prescribed.
  6. To provide training for farmers, field workers, rural youths and other persons not enrolled as regular students of the University.
  7. To collaborate with other universities and institutions in such manner and for such purposes as the university my determine, subject to the limitations set forth in section 4:
  8. To establish and maintain colleges and other institutions relating to agriculture, Home Science. Agricultural Engineering Forestry and allied Sciences.
  9. To establish and maintain laboratories, libraries, research stations and institutions and museums for teaching, research and extension education; to create teaching, research and extension education posts and to appoint persons to such posts.
  10. To create administrative and other posts and to appoint persons to such posts.
  11. To institute and award fellowship, scholarships, stipends and prizes in accordance with the Statutes.
  12. To institute and maintain residential accommodations for students and staff of the University.
  13. To fix, demand and receive such fees and other charges as may be prescribed.
  14. To supervise and control the residence conduct and discipline of the students of the University, and to make arrangements for promoting their health and welfare.
  15. To accept donations from foreign countries and from within the country: Provided that no donations from a foreign country, foreign foundation or from any person in such country shall be accepted by the University save with the prior approval of the Government.
  16. To allow the university to admit to its privileges institutions functioning outside India.
  17. To grant affiliation to private agricultural institutions to conduct instruction in Agriculture and allied sciences as decided under various statutes.
  18. To do all such acts and things whether incidental to the powers aforesaid or not as may be required in order to furtherance the objects of the university.

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