Research Collaborations


Sl. No.

Name of the Institute where MoU/MoA enter into Date of Signing of MoU  Purpose Duration

UASD Scientist Associated

1 CSIR, Bengaluru 13.08.2019 Facilitative Collaborative Research 4 Years Head, Agrometeorology, AC, Dharwad
2 ARHAT Agro Solution Private Limited, Hubballi 02.12.2019 Research and Development 3 Years ARS, Sankeshwar
3 IOWA State University of Science and Tech IOWA USA 08.01.2021 Research and Development 5 Years Dr. P. U. Krishnaraj
4 K. J. Somaiya Institute of Applied Agricultural Research, Sameerwadi, Bagalkot 23.04.2021 Research and Development 5 Years

Head, ARS, Sankeshwar

5 AMMA Nasik 23.06.2021 Bio-Pesticide and Bio-Fertilizer Research and Registration 5 Years Dr. Gurudatt M Hegde, UAS, Dharwad
6 KLE Institute of Technology, Hubballi 01.07.2021 Research and Education 5 Years Dr. N.G. Hanamaratti, Head, AICRP Sorghum, MARS, Dharwad
7 AGRIINNOVATE facilitate India Limited 05.07.2021 Research and Development 5 Years  Dr. Rajesh Patil,
8 Watershed Development Department  GOK Bengaluru 07.07.2021 WDPD Project 2 Years  Dr. V.B. Kuligod, Professor, Soil Sci., AC, Dharwad
9 NRDC, New Delhi 02.08.2021 Research and Development 10 Years Dr. O Sridevi, Professor (GPB), AC, Dharwad
10 Watershed Development Department  GOK Bengaluru 17.03.2022 REWARD Project 5 Years Dr. Manjunath Hebbar, Professor of Soil Science, AC, Dharwad
11 KAPPEC 09.09.2022 Establishment of Incubation Facility at ICAR-KVK-II, Indi, 5 Years Dr. Kashibai Kyadagi, Principal Investigator Professor, Dept. of FSN, AC, Vijayapur
12 Nitrogen Parameters, Chennai, for collaboration to develop Leaf Colour Chart (LCC) for Sugarcane Crop 05.06.2023 Developing Leaf Colour Chart for Nitrogen Management in Sugarcane  Perpetual Dr. C. P. ChandraShekar, Professor, IOF, UAS, Dharwad
13 Commercialization of Dharma Maize Hybrid 16.06.2023 Commercialization of Dharma Maize Hybrid 5 Years Dr. R. M. Kachapur
14 Advanta Enterprises Private Limited Mumbai 03.08.2023 Popularization of UASD Millets 5 Years Dr. Nagappa Govanakoppa &

Dr. N. G. Hanamaratti

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