State Coordination Committee
State Co-ordination Committee for Agricultural Education, Research and Extension
- There shall be the Karnataka State Co-ordination Committee for Agricultural Education, Research and Extension for the purpose of effective co-ordination in the activities of all the Agricultural Universities in the State, particularly in relation to teaching, research, extension education and other matters of common interests.
- The State Co-ordination Committee shall consist of the following members, namely:
The Minister in charge of Agriculture, Government of Karnataka shall be the Chairperson
The Vice-Chancellor of All Agricultural Universities in the State
The Directors of Education, Research and Extension of all Agricultural Universities
Registrars of all the Agricultural Universities in the State.
The Secretary to Government, Agriculture Department shall be the Member Secretary. - Functions of the Co-ordination Committee shall perform the following functions, namely:
Ensuring autonomy of the Agricultural Universities in the state
Hormonisation of academic programmes and regulations
Ensuring complementarity and synergy through identification of areas of co-operation in Education, Research and Extension among different Agricultural Universities in the State.
Suggesting new initiatives and action plans for joint endeavors of the Agricultural Universities of the State and development departments for accelerating agriculture growth
Resolution of the inter-Universities and University – State issues
The Committee shall meet at least twice in a year