Research and Training on the use of Smart Farming solutions in Agriculture , Technologies like Autonomous Machines, Sensor-equipped robots, Augmented reality, Internet of Things (IoT), Drones and Satellites.
Development of climate smart cultivars, production and protection technologies.
Research on nano fertilizers and their effect on various crops.
Development of climate resilient varieties and hybrids in various crops suitable for drought and high temperature.
Development of varieties and hybrids suitable for mechanical harvesting.
Broadening the genetic base by utilizing the wild and traditional landraces, developing heterotic pools through conventional and biotechnological approaches.
Early release of varieties through speed breeding technique.
Use of site specific information developed in Sujala-III Project for enhancing crop productivity through conservation of natural resources like soil and water
Development of cost effective natural farming and organic farming practices through use of natural enemies and traditional varieties.
Development of IPM modules for management of important emerging insect pests and diseases in crops.
Post harvest technologies like processing, value addition and packaging of major field, vegetable and fruit crops.
Development, validation and popularisation of IFS modules based on available natural resources for enhancing farm income